Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let the blogging begin!

So I have considered doing this for a while and decided today I am going to do it. Just jump in feet first into the icy cold water (afterall it is mid November) and see if I sink or swim. I am sure most of what I write will just be the rambling of a Marine wife and mom of 3 girls, all of whom make me crazy on a daily basis (I write as my youngest is screaming MORE MORE in my face waving her empty bowl that she just had raisins in).

I hope to gather my favorite recipes here, talk about our homeschooling adventures and other good and bad highlights of our days. Lets pray for more good than bad, right.

Thanks to all my friends for the encouragement to start a blog, I am sure it will be fun.

1 comment:

Stitchblade said...

YIPPPPEEE!! Now I can keep track of you better!